© LimbaSarda 2004











02.08.2004 - Lìtera a su premier ingresu

Mr. Blair goes to Sardinia

de Enrico Chessa

Mr. Tony Blair 

10 Downing St. SW1A 2AA London 

London 02/08/04 

Dear Mr. Blair, I’m glad you have chosen my country –Sardinia- for your summer’s holidays this year. The island is beautiful and peculiar in so many aspects: nature, sea, culture, language, people, food… and I sincerely hope you will be able to enjoy it all. But, I’m afraid, you won’t! As I understand, you will be staying at Mr. Silvio Berlusconi’s Villa Certosa in Costa Smeralda, which is in Sardinia but it is not Sardinia. It is indeed an artificial world, built by wealthy people –the majority of them not from Sardinia- for wealthy people –as above-, like your host! The only Sardinians you will be meeting there are those “taken” from the typical traditional Sardinian activities and converted into two months waiters, bar attendants, chambermaids, shop assistants…, and the majority of food you will be eating imported. But, most of all, you won’t be enjoying the beauty of its nature. The only nature you will be able to enjoy is that which Mr. Berlusconi –from Milan- is trying to adapt to his taste! You may know, Mr Blair, how Sardinians in general care about their land to be preserved and respected. This is why it is almost impossible today to obtain a building permit within 300 metres from the coast, and this is why the new Sardinian Government is even thinking of moving the limit to 2,000 metres. You know, Mr. Blair, we think nature is a precious wealth, therefore we don’t want anyone to destroy it. But unfortunately, your friend Silvio –probably using the power in his hands- has decided to set off a major redevelopment of his Sardinian villa where he invited you and your family to spend your holidays. This redevelopment includes: an underground harbour –built within a natural cave- from where he will be able to get directly into his rooms! It will also allow submarines (yes submarines!) to moor inside; a fake nuraghe; an anphitheatre; few swimming pools; etc. But the most dark aspect of it is that, apparently, the development was unauthorised and nobody –not even MPs- can’t get no even close to the site, as it is patrolled by armed guards! Having said all this, as a Sardinian citizen, I ask you, Mr. Blair, to decline Mr. Berlusconi invitation as a sign of distance from his lack of respect to Sardinia and Sardinians, and find somewhere else nice to stay. Yours truly, Enrico Chessa

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